Freeform Wiki

Making the Freeform Community better!

Welcome to our community and content guidelines page! Please read carefully before participating on the wiki, just to be aware what's not allowed.


Do not offend, bully, harass, and/or threaten users

On the Freeform Wiki, we pride in being a collaborative and open place for everyone. If you're offending, scaring, or putting down other users, it's probably not going feel safe or welcome for users, and will potentially hurt the user in the long run.

Inappropriate language is strictly unallowed

We do not allow the use of profanity or inappropriate language. This wiki is both young and older audiences. For this reason, the use of inappropriate language can make other users feel uncomfortable or not welcome.

Do not post disturbing content

Talking about disturbing topics (such as gruesome stories) can make users feel uncomfortable, or not welcome.

Always stay on topic

Please stay on topic with the contents of the page that you are editing on or commenting on. If you're on the Beyond page, you should be talking about content concerning Beyond. However, please do not talk about Nickelodeon as it has nothing to do with Beyond.

Do not spam pages, comments, forums, message walls, etc.

Spamming pages, comments, forums, message walls, discussions, etc. is strictly unacceptable. This can fill them up and can be a lot of work to clean up. Depending on how bad it is, you may be instantly blocked without warning.

Do not give away personal information

For privacy reasons, we recommend you (and prohibit you) from sharing personal information. This can lead to multiple other issues. If you (or someone you know) has posted personal information, please contact wiki staff to get it removed immediately.

Unnecessary edits are prohibited

Making unnecessary edits (such as adding a comma and removing it or adding a period when there is no need for a period) will result in a warning and then an immediate block.

Do not vandalize pages

Our wiki is designed to be an encyclopedia for everything Freeform related. With that said, we have over multiple pages filled with factual information from the show. We strictly prohibited any users from adding false information to pages, replacing the content with gibberish, removing content, or vandalizing in any way. Depending on how bad the vandalism is, you may be instantly blocked.

Do not go into the discussion if it does not concern you

It can be annoying when an admin is discussing a notice or a warning with a user, and another user comes in and starts defending, or even siding. If you do this, you will be given a warning yourself. If another admin feels the need to disagree, they may enter the conversation at that point.
